180 Seiten 2 Abbildungen Persisch Paperback 304 g 22 x 15,5 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.06.2023
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Dar Jostejooye Ghalbe Jahan
von Rahman Karimi
"Dar Jostejooye Ghalbe Jahan" is the third volume of Rahman Karimi's poetry including mainly a small selection of his works after 1992. Other volumes from him are already planned for publication by the editor (Roozbeh Karimi).
Rahman Karimi, born in 1937, was a Persian poet. A child of the city of Shiraz - a city that has given birth to many poets like Hafez and Saadi. However, he grew up in Booshehr and is therefore considered a Southern poet. His creative life was always shaped by the political and socialvtides. Politically, his heart has always beaten for justice, freedom, equality and independence. These aspects can always be found in his verses, without losing sight of values such as love or beauty. He lived in exile in Germany since 1985. He died on March 8th, 2022 in Cologne amongst his family.